
About Me:

Ever since I can remember, I liked to listen deeply to friends and family.

My work experience included coaching activities from the beginning: training young managers to use coaching skills with their own teams in corporate Vienna; developing coaching programs and trainings for unemployed women who needed support and guidance to live a life closer to their dreams and abilities.

Being trained as body-psychotherapist (“Emotional Reintegration” a synthesis of the work of W. Reich, F. Pearls and Primal Therapy of A. Janov) I have been practicing for over twenty years in this field.

Reading and working with leading personal development experts
Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Debbie Ford, Eva Gregory and others)  I found out about the Law of Attraction. Leaving behind the concept of being a victim, taking over full responsibility, and letting go of limiting beliefs and programs made a big difference in my life. 2007 I certified as Comprehensive Business and Life Coach at the Coaching Institute of Terry Levine.

I learned to trust my own feelings and experience, that inner guidance and intuition are key for a fulfilled life.

This understanding did not prevent me from going through two major burnouts, I had to learn that I have to put myself first. My greatest gift had become my biggest challenge: listening to others - being empathetic and focused on them - made me forget myself and neglect my own needs. Running out of energy was just a logical step.

I found ways and methods to gain back my inner balance by getting professional support and reminding myself that I have all the necessary tools available inside me. I just needed to use them.

Joy of life is back, and my inner fire is burning again. This is what I want to share with the world: to show you how you can (re-)connect with your dreams and visions and through inner guidance live the life of your dreams!

Contact me and let's talk.
I am looking forward to connecting with you!